The Ministry of Tourism wants clear rules, but also compensation, with restrictions in the sector

Compensatory measures to enter into force automatically with the introduction of bans, insist the department of Baltova

Industry / Bulgaria
3E news
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The Ministry of Tourism has strongly advocated clear rules, but equally clear compensations, if restrictions or closures are imposed on the sector due to the increased incidence of COVID-19. This is clear from a position spread by Stella Baltova's office. It notes that the main priority of the ministry is to protect the employment and activity of the tourism business while preserving the health of workers and visitors. They are therefore adamant that, in the event of the inevitable imposition of restrictions due to the pandemic, they must be linked to clear economic measures, and these measures will enter into force automatically with the introduction of the restrictions.

Since the beginning of the summer season and especially after the implementation of the European Digital Certificate and the opening of the borders for free travel, the tourism sector in Bulgaria has managed to restore its viability to some extent. As the 4th wave of COVID-19 approaches, the long-term recovery of the business is facing serious challenges.

In this regard, the Ministry of Tourism takes the position that all restrictions on businesses in the tourism sector must be very carefully considered. In decision-making, the focus should be on preventive action, with the main focus being on enhanced control and self-control by institutions and businesses to prevent the spread of the virus.

In an effort to support the demands of business, the Ministry of Tourism has prepared and proposed a package of economic measures. Their preparation took into account both the proposals of the tourism business and good practices from other countries, as well as the experience already gained from crisis management.

It is of particular importance that we work together to implement and monitor the implementation of adequate measures for the survival and restoration of the tourism ecosystem, which become part of a coherent and logically linked strategy for preserving the viability of the Tourism sector. This can be realized only if the sector remains active in compliance with the Rules for application of anti-epidemic measures in carrying out tourist activity in the summer season 2021.



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