Motor fuel prices have risen by more than 40 stotinki since the beginning of the war in Ukraine
Filling an average tank with petrol or diesel costs about BGN 20 more

Source: Pixabay
The prices of the most popular motor fuels - gasoline and diesel - have increased by more than 40 stotinki since the beginning of the war in Ukraine. In the case of propane butane, the increase is half, and in the case of methane - about 22 stotinki, according to the statistics on the portal The military conflict that erupted just a few hundred kilometers from us further boosted the prices of oil and motor fuels, which have been following a steady upward trend for almost two years now. However, such a sharp rise in prices as in the last month and a half was not observed during this period.
If on February 24 a liter of the most popular gasoline A 95 was sold at Bulgarian gas stations for an average of about BGN 2.55, today its price is BGN 2.95, and there are separate gas stations where its price reached BGN 3. However, this limit is almost diesel fuel went everywhere. Its price increase since the beginning of the war in Ukraine is in the range of about 44 cents. On the first day of the Russian invasion, a liter of retail in Bulgaria sold for an average of 2.62. Today at many gas stations its price is over BGN 3, and the average for the country is BGN 3.06.
Methane also crossed the psychological limit of BGN 3. After the EWRC's decision for another increase in the price of natural gas in Bulgaria, of course the price of methane also jumped. And so the kilo is already sold for an average of BGN 3.11, which is 22 stotinki more than the price as of February 24. After the next rise in price, methane is not only not the cheapest and most profitable car fuel in our country, as it was for many years in a row, but it can easily be called even the most expensive. With him, the psychological limit of BGN 3 is actually economic, because at these levels traveling by car on natural gas is already the most unprofitable compared to all other fuels.
On the reverse side of the rankings continues to be propane butane. Despite the decline, it still remains the cheapest alternative among automotive fuels. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, it has risen at least by 20 stotinki per liter, although the percentage increase in its price is comparable to that of gasoline and diesel. In the end, to date, a liter of propane butane in our country is loaded on average for BGN 1.60.
Under such circumstances, filling the tank in just a month and a half already costs significantly more money. If an average 50-liter tank with A95 needs to be refilled at the petrol station, the cash register bill will be BGN 20 higher. The total amount of fuel will be BGN 147.50. If it is the same amount of diesel fuel, then the bill has already swelled by BGN 22. For LPG cars, refilling a 30-liter bottle, which is usually placed in place of the spare wheel, is already comes out 6 levs more expensive. If a person owns a methane car with bottles for a total of 15 kg, then their refueling from February 24 has increased by BGN 3.30.
Some hope for a potential drop in prices, at least a slight one, gives the price of oil. After a sharp rise in prices in the first days of the war in Ukraine, quotations have been moving mostly down for almost a month, but depreciation is generally weak. If the trend continues, it can be expected in the next 2-3 weeks to see some decline in prices at Bulgarian gas stations, as the price of oil affects that of gasoline, diesel and LPG in about a month. At the same time, however, the prices of the finished fuels on the markets are also important.
The situation with natural gas is approximately the same as with oil. It has also seen some depreciation over the last month, but is again relatively weak. In addition, the price in our country is still regulated, so there may be a reduction in the price of methane only if the price is lowered by the EWRC from May 1.