Deputy Prime Minister Karadjov: The ambition is for the road through Petrohan to be passable in one lane by the end of tomorrow

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Source: Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works

There is a clear plan of action. First, unclog the gutter so that the water can pass under the road and be drained. Immediately after that, a constructor will go under the canvas to check the size of the formed cavity and what part of the affected section can be used safely. Third, with rock mass will be poured on an additional area. The ambition is that tomorrow the Petrohan Pass will be open for traffic in one lane. For this purpose, a temporary organization of traffic will be made with the necessary signalization, so as to ensure the safety of passengers on the route. This was announced by the resigned Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Regional Development and Public Works Grozdan Karadzhov. Today, he inspected on the spot the progress of clearing the mountain pass, which provides a fast connection between Montana and Sofia.

The Deputy Prime Minister explained that the main reason for the emergency situation is the blockage of a gutter, through which under normal conditions the water drains under the road. Due to the incoming water, stones, mud and sand were landslide as a result of the heavy rains. The gutter became clogged, as a result of which the water undermined the roadway, a cavern formed under it and made the section unusable.

As much as possible from the route will be moved so that you can pass through the passage. The canvas will also be strengthened. The exact method will be determined by the designers. According to visible signs, the erosion reaches the center line of the road. At the moment, it is dangerous and may fail, Karadzhov stressed.

It is not yet possible to say how long it will take to fully restore the section. An assessment of the damage will be made after the rain and the water flowing on the road stop, the Deputy Prime Minister added.

The organization is in progress so that the restoration work can begin as soon as possible. During this time, backfilling with rock mass will be done so that the passage can be made passable quickly. Work is being done at both ends, logs, stones, landslides are being cleaned so that the traffic can be allowed in the most critical zone at the moment of readiness. The road maintenance company has already made an organization and has the necessary resources, said the chairman of the Management Board of the Road Infrastructure Agency Todor Vassilev.

The gutter will be unclogged today so that the water can be drained. Then we will focus on widening the pavement. The excavated area will be signaled with signs in order to avoid accidents. In the process of work, an assessment will be made where the lane will be widened and the traffic will be allowed. We will work constantly until the problem is eliminated and the traffic is released in case of an emergency situation, informed Hristo Krastev from the road maintenance company.

Today, together with the mayor of Varshets Ivan Lazarov, Deputy Prime Minister Karadjov inspected the damage from the flood in the city. There are still inspections of the damage. The river Botunya, which passes through Varshets, has already returned to its bed, but the damage is great. Much of her correction has been destroyed. Seven bridges have been removed. As a result of the overflow, a water supply system in the Zanozhene district was destroyed and the people living in it are without water. Other water mains are also broken. The road to one of the villa zones has collapsed. The partial state of emergency in the city remains.

The Deputy Prime Minister will insist before the Council of Ministers to allocate funds for the reconstruction of Varshets.



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