The American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria completed a stage of the Educational Partnership Program with two Bulgarian universities

Industry / Bulgaria
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Photo: American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria

At the beginning of March, a stage of the Educational Partnership Program, initiated by the American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria (ACC) and two of the leading higher education institutions in Bulgaria - Faculty of Economics of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" (SU) and New Bulgarian University (NBU). A number of topics related to the development of human capital in various industries and organizations were put in focus, AKT reported.

This is a joint initiative of the Human Capital and Education Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria with New Bulgarian University and the Faculty of Economics of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski".

40 students each from the two higher schools went through the program and got acquainted with key aspects of human capital development processes in organizations.

The students from the two universities benefited from the experience of some of the leading professionals in "Human Resources Management" from the ATK member companies Adecco Bulgaria, IBM Bulgaria, JobTiger, MSD Bulgaria, Kamenitza, Sb Accounting & Consulting and UniCredit Bulbank. The program started in the fall of 2022 and was designed for bachelors and masters. At the NBU, the lectures were moderated by Ch. assistant Dr. Maria Tumbeva, and those in the Faculty of Economics of the SU - by Prof. Zhelyu Vladimirov and Dr. Kiril Velichkov.

Human capital development and education are among the priorities of the American Chamber of Commerce. Finding the right format that can be integrated into the curricula helps universities to offer added value to their students and to have the opportunity to exchange good practices with the corporate world in our country. This exchange brings a series of opportunities for the next generation of Bulgarian and foreign students.

"During the past months, we managed to convey in a synthesized form the experience, the specifics and even concrete cases to our future colleagues from the field of "Human Capital Management". I believe that by balancing the practical focus and the academic approach, we have been able to bring added value to the students of these institutions of higher education. In our opinion, it is necessary from the earliest educational stage to make logical and clear interconnections between the topics taught in universities and their practical applicability and benefit to a specific industry. And this is a benefit for the economy and society as a whole. Together, we took a small but meaningful step in the direction of better orientation of the young generation for the accumulation of complex knowledge and for their successful future careers", said Zlatina Kushkieva, co-chair of the "Human Capital and Education" committee at the APC and managing director, about the start of the program partner of HR Consulting Partners.



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