Vanya Grigorova is contesting the result of the mayoral elections in Sofia in court

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Vanya Grigorova and the staff will dispute the result of the mayoral vote, she herself confirmed at a briefing on the results in the capital. The reason - the small difference of less than 5,000 votes between the winner Vasil Terziev from PP-DB and "Save Sofia" and the candidate of the left, as well as many mistakes of a different nature during the voting. The BSP mayoral candidate's team will ask the court to suspend the OIC's decision until their appeal is decided. A comparison is currently being made between the protocols in the CEC and those published on the CEC website.

"We are collecting all reports of irregularities and we will submit them as early as tomorrow. We have 7 days to substantiate our concerns about election irregularities," Grigorova announced.

"I will be the first to congratulate Mr. Terziev if and when the court decides that these results are legal," Vanya Grigorova said.

Meanwhile, the Municipal Election Commission has already announced Vasil Terziev as the mayor of the capital.

"A small part of the results have not yet been published by the CEC, although we already have a decision of the OEC. We have a double increase in the number of people who believed in us and supported us between the first and second round. In the first round, we managed to fight one coalition from the assembly. We have little left to fight the second part of the assembly," said the BSP candidate.

"All the power, financial, managerial, including technical resources available to the assembly in the form of PP-DB and GERB-SDS were harnessed against us," she concluded. "We will fight for every vote until the end. For us, every Sofian is important. Hope remains alive and freedom is at hand, that means between 3 and 5,000 votes," said Grigorova.

"There are legal steps we can and will take, there is a democratic procedure for contesting election results so voters can have confidence in the electoral process, which has been undermined by our opponents," she summed up.

"We are leading in 13 out of 24 districts," said the woman who lost the mayoral vote by a margin of about 4,500 votes. Grigorova stated that she won in all large residential districts, pointing out Lyulin, Nadezhda, Ovcha kupel, Poduene, Iskar, Novi Iskar, Bankya, Kremikovtsi, Pancharevo, some parts of Mladost. "We gave hope to many people that Sofia can be different," she commented.

"For us, these elections are not over," said the chairman of the BSP - Sofia, Ivan Takov, and pointed out that they are currently checking section by section. "We already have enough grounds to challenge the final result of the elections. We will not allow the victory to be stolen," he added.

"We are talking about disputing the election result, not about cashing in the elections," specified the BSP-Sofia leader. And with all the mistakes we see, there are serious doubts that the election could have been different. Here we are talking about a result of less than 5 thousand votes, and therefore we will again insist on checking this result", explained the chairman of the capital organization of the socialists.

"We are not holding talks with anyone, this will be decided later. Our battle is still for the mayor of Sofia. What will happen in the Municipal Council, that is already a next issue. We are not fighting against machines, as such or against electoral code, and we question the result of the runoff," emphasized Takov. "Since the OIC issued a decision on the election of the mayor this morning, we have a one-week deadline to challenge it. This is the first action we will take," Takov explained.

"Whether I will be the chairman of the SOS is not on the agenda. We have our goals, our program, which we will follow. They are the people of the shops, they are the traders, they are the rentiers," said Grigorova and stated that they led exceptionally smear campaign against her. "It was a panic," Grigorova also reminded of Terziev's refusal to appear against her at a debate.

"They are the ones who organized the elections. They are the ones who complained about sacking. They are the ones who govern and must bear their responsibility," the mayoral candidate said to PP-DB.

Grigorova confirmed that she remains a municipal councilor and will fight for what she stood for during the campaign.

She denied the hypotheses launched in the public space that she would attack the leadership position of Cornelia Ninova in the BSP.

"These concerns came again from the side of my opponents - I am not a member of the BSP and there is no way she will be elected as the leader of the BSP. I ask everyone to calm down that I will head the BSP. Sofia is on the agenda, as she is the model and the path on which the country moves subsequently," explained Vanya Grigorova.

At the same time, she gave as an example the unification of the left in Sofia, which can also work at the national level, pointing out that the credit for this goes to the leadership of the capital's socialists, not to "Positano" 20.

"I am still the face, the figure that unites the left formations at the metropolitan level, but this happened thanks to Mr. Takov who led the conversations.



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