The Ministry of Economy and Industry is appealing against court decisions damaging SCC

Actions have been taken to recover funds from the Bulgarian state

Industry / Bulgaria
3E news
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The Minister of Economy and Industry, Bogdan Bogdanov, took action to recover financial damages for the State Consolidation Company EAD (SCC), generated in previous years. They include the losses for the repairs and reconstructions of the dams, for the unrealized government complex, as well as for the framework contract for the acquisition of receivables and shareholdings between SCC EAD and the trading company "Kemira".

In the statutory period, the Ministry of Economy and Industry, on the basis of Art. 243, para. 4 et seq. of the Criminal Procedure Code, appeals the Decree of 28.11.2023 on the termination of the criminal proceedings in the pre-trial proceedings on the inventory of the National Criminal Court and the prosecutor's file, formed by the SGP, concerning illegally spent funds by "Montazhi" EAD for the repair of dams, without public procurement and without building permits issued for them. It was found that some of the sums were even spent on projects other than dam repairs.

The case lost at first instance for over BGN 75 million has also been appealed. These are financial damages for the state, respectively for SCC EAD, due to an assignment contract concluded by the company in 2018. We remind you that the Sofia City Court issued a decision with which the claim to establish the receivables from "Kemira" EOOD under a contract concluded between SCC EAD and "Malaz" EOOD assignment contract was rejected as unfounded. In the proceedings of the case, it was established that the original documents related to the assignment were missing.

These are the next steps taken by the state in the person of the Ministry of Economy and Industry to recover funds spent in past years, based on decisions without the necessary documentation and without financial justification.

Actions have also been taken to recover nearly BGN 70 million without VAT, paid in advance in 2020 in connection with the construction of a new government complex by SCC EAD, which will not be realized. At the moment, invitations have been sent to the subcontractor of the project for the refund of the advance payments given for the implementation of the project without financial justification. After the refund, SCC EAD will have the opportunity to repay part of the obligation it has to the Bulgarian Development Bank, so that the state and taxpayers do not have to pay interest for this project. For the advance funds paid for a new government complex, the company uses credit and pays millions in interest per year.



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