MIG supports the construction of 8 innovation hubs with BGN 52 million

Industry / Bulgaria
3E news
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The Ministry of Innovation and Growth (MIG) will support the construction of eight new digital and innovation hubs in the country. They will support businesses and offer services to Bulgarian companies in the field of cutting-edge technologies, including digital and green technologies.

Nearly BGN 52 million will be invested in their construction from the Program "Research, Innovation and Digitalization for Intelligent Transformation" (RIDIT). For this purpose, MIG opened the procedure "Financing of European Digital Innovation Hubs selected by the European Commission, awarded with the "Seal of Excellence". Applications for it will continue until 4:30 p.m. on March 18, 2024. Project proposals are submitted entirely online in the ISUN 2020 system (https://shorturl.at/klnI4). With the funds under the measure, small and medium-sized enterprises will gain access to the most modern test and experimental points for validating their products and technologies. They will have the opportunity to develop their innovation skills, as well as access to knowledge and expertise for the protection of intellectual property, for finding investors, etc.

Last September, the Ministry secured another BGN 13.6 million as co-financing for the first four innovation hubs in Bulgaria. The remaining funds for their creation were provided by the "Digital Europe" program of the EC. The national network of a total of 12 digital and innovation hubs will provide services to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and public organizations. For companies, this will be free or at prices well below market. Although they will be regionally focused, the hubs will be able to support companies from all over the country, as well as any European companies that seek their help.



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