Over 100 representatives of potential producers, users and traders of hydrogen participated in an information day of BULGARTRANSGAZ and DESFA on the hydrogen market

Energy / Bulgaria
3E news
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BULGARTRANSGAZ EAD and DESFA S.A. held on September 25, 2024, a joint information day in connection with a study of interest in the hydrogen market in Greece and Bulgaria. The online event generated significant interest from both already active companies in the energy sector and potential participants in the hydrogen market. The operators report the high interest in the event, which was attended by over 100 representatives of manufacturers, consumers, traders, suppliers and industry organizations from Bulgaria and Greece.

Within the framework of the held virtual event, the interested parties were presented with up-to-date information from the two operators regarding the progress of planned hydrogen-oriented projects and initiatives. The prospects for the implementation of hydrogen technologies in the energy mix were also presented, the prerequisite for which is the construction and commissioning of a transmission infrastructure for hydrogen.

The success of the event underlines the key importance of the initiative of the two operators and the need for timely planning and construction of the necessary infrastructure for the transfer of hydrogen in and through Greece and Bulgaria.

Bulgaria and Greece are already cooperating successfully in terms of sustainable energy development and the implementation of priority activities in connection with the development of a stable hydrogen market in the region. The First List of Projects of Common Interest and Projects of Mutual Interest of the European Commission, published in November 2023, includes two hydrogen projects of Bulgartransgaz EAD and DESFA, which are also part of the hydrogen corridor in Southeast Europe.

The joint hydrogen market interest assessment study runs from the beginning of September to the end of November 2024 and will identify the expected needs for hydrogen transmission capacity, as well as possible production locations and delivery points to end users in both countries in order to identify the challenges and opportunities for achieving a sustainable energy future in the context of the energy transition.



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