Companies from the USA and the United Kingdom will supply liquefied natural gas to the Bulgarian market

Climate , Energy / Bulgaria
3E news
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Ten international companies submitted binding offers within the tender announced by Bulgargaz EAD for the supply of liquefied natural gas to the terminal in Alexandroupolis, Greece for the months of January and February 2025. A record number of international participants expressed interest in participating in the tender procedure.

For delivery of liquefied natural gas in the month of January 2025, the company from Great Britain "BPGas Marketing Limited" was chosen, and for the month of February 2025 - one of the leading producers of LNG from the USA - "Venture Global Commodities".

"As a shareholder in the terminal in Alexandroupolis, our country has access to diversified supplies of liquefied natural gas from our partners from the United States of America and Europe. The declared interest and the choice of two of the largest international companies prove the significant interest in the gas market in our country and in the region", commented the Minister of Energy on the occasion of the conclusion of the auction.

This is the last stage of the tender procedure that Bulgargaz EAD announced at the end of August 2024 for the supply of a total of 5 loads (5,000,000 MWh) of liquefied natural gas within its reserved capacity at the terminal in Alexandroupolis. We remind you that the first tender was for the supply of natural gas in the month of October, the second - for the months of November and December, and the third procedure was for supplies in January and February 2025.

The successful completion of all three tenders guarantees safe and affordable supplies of natural gas for Bulgarian domestic and industrial consumers for the current autumn-winter season.



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