Investing 7.7 million euros in the development of tourism potential in the border regions of Bulgaria and North Macedonia
The first eight projects under the INTERREG VI-A IPA Bulgaria - North Macedonia 2021-2027 Program have been approved

The first eight projects under Priority 3 "Integrated Development of the Cross-Border Region" of the INTERREG VI-A IPA Bulgaria - North Macedonia 2021-2027 Program, managed by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, have been approved.
7.7 million euros will be invested in them in 12 Bulgarian municipalities and 12 municipalities from North Macedonia. This: Blagoevgrad, Razlog, Kyustendil, Nevestino, Dupnitsa, Kresna, Petrich, Strumyani, Sandanski, Gotse Delchev, Belitsa and Yakoruda in Bulgaria, and in North Macedonia – Delchevo, Gevgelija, Bogdantsi, Kriva Palanka, Staro Nagoricane, Vasilevo, Strumitsa, Berovo, Shtip, Probishtip, Makedonska Kamenica and Karbintsi. The funds will be directed to the modernization of infrastructure, improvement of accessibility and expansion of the offered tourist services, which will contribute to transforming the region into a year-round destination. Investments in this way, economic growth, creation of new jobs, stimulation of innovations and sustainable use of natural and cultural resources will be promoted. Representatives of various public and economic sectors will participate in the implementation of the projects through partnerships between local authorities, businesses and civil society organizations in the two neighboring countries.
The approval of the first projects marks the beginning of the real implementation of the integrated territorial strategy under the program by developing an attractive, all-season tourism product. The implementation of the Territorial Strategy aims to create stronger and more engaged local participation, with the communities of the cross-border region themselves prioritizing and defining the investments that meet their specific needs. In addition to continuing and strengthening cooperation, the ambition is to achieve greater sustainability, the introduction of innovations and competitiveness in the region by improving mobility and connectivity, branding and marketing of cross-border tourism products and strengthening the links between cultural and natural resources and the environment. Measures are also envisaged to reduce the vulnerability of tourism services, which is an important step towards the stability of the sector.
A call for applications for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises is to be announced under the INTERREG VI-A IPA Bulgaria - North Macedonia 2021-2027 program. They will be able to receive EU funds for technological modernization projects that will make businesses greener, more digital and more competitive. The acquisition of new knowledge and skills will also be encouraged, as well as the development of new products and access to markets through marketing, entrepreneurship and internationalization.