The dams in the country are already full, some of them are being released in a controlled manner

Industry / Bulgaria
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The rain from the weekend will intensify in the new week, in places with thunder. This is the reason for the controlled discharge of half of the dams in the country. The dams are full all over the country. For some, this is worrying, but experts define this news as the best and there is no danger of spillover, Nova TV reports. In 2020, there was talk in Burgas of a real danger from the water regime due to the critically low levels of the Kamchia dam. This did not happen, perhaps due to the lack of a strong tourist season. Now the dam is 100% full, and experts believe that the danger of water regime has passed. Studena Dam near Pernik is also full, its level is maintained at 80%. The free volume is due to the expected rains in the coming weeks.

All dams are at very high levels and with a filled volume of over 50%. The level of Koprinka Dam is also kept at 80%, as it has to absorb the melting snow from the mountain, as well as the expected rains. It is drained in two directions - to Stara Zagora and to the dam "Zhrebchevo". It is 83% full. However, this does not bother the specialist, on the contrary - it is defined as good news.

"This is an expected amount of water. To date, the dam is 328 million, there is another 70 million free volume. At the moment there is no reason to drain the dam. You all know, we waited and wanted it to be full again”, Plamen Ivanov - Manager of Irrigation Systems EAD - Sredna Tundzha Branch told Nova TV.

So full, the dam was five years ago, and in 2020 its level dropped dramatically. "Stallion" is mainly used for irrigation. It also supplies water to the TPPs in the Maritza East mines. In its 51-year history, it has fallen 5 times to dead volume.

"In 20-30 days, depending on the weather, the irrigation season is coming. Then an incredible part of the amount, I guess up to 80 million, will be used for irrigation. Zhrebchevo Dam is a perennial equalizer. This water that we received now, at possible dry years should provide several ", says Eng. Ivanov.

In the coming rains, no water is expected to be released from the dam wall valves, something that was last done in 2014.

"There are three meters in the vertical until the volume is reached and it will be monitored, we are ready to release larger quantities on the Tundzha River. Our calculations are not to have such a situation, just to release 40-60-80 cubic meters in a controlled manner if necessary." , explained Eng. Ivanov.

The other dam in the area - "Asenovets" in Sliven, which is used for drinking purposes, is also almost 100% full and its level is maintained by controlled discharge. The full dams have also become an attraction. Years later, the sunken church in Zhrebchevo remained under water again, bringing together photographers and tourists from across the country.

The Hristo Smirnenski Dam near Gabrovo was inspected by the Ministry of Environment and Water.



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