The high temperatures led to a record load on the 5123 MW power system on July 29th

An increase of 11% in the country's electricity consumption was registered, compared to the days between 19 and 25 July 2021

Energy / Bulgaria
3E news
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On July 29, 2021, the load of the power system at 14 hours reached values ​​of 5123 MW. This is a 6-year record, exceeding the registered on July 30, 2015 load of 5070 MW in the peak afternoon, according to the Electricity System Operator. Between 1 pm and 8 pm on July 29, the load of the electricity transmission network remained at levels of over 5,000 MW.

Electricity consumption (excluding pumps in SHPP) on the day of the series with record high temperatures was 106,990 MWh. This is an increase of 11% over the previous week.

The record electricity consumption is provided mainly by the generation of the two units of Kozloduy NPP and the condensing thermal power plants.

Despite the current repair program at the generating capacities, the electric power system works normally and has enough reserve capacities to meet the increased electric consumption in the country as a result of the extremely high temperatures.

The forecast for the next days, when the temperatures will remain high, is that the load in the electricity network in the peak afternoon hours will move around 4700 MW on weekends and around 5000 MW on weekdays.



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