ESO has introduced innovative mobile technology for power grid management in the conditions of a growing share of RES capacities

The innovative solution was implemented in the 110 kV Dobrich substation of ESO within the FLEXITRANSTORE project, co-financed by the Horizon 2020 program of the EU. The technology is the result of the implementation of a joint project between ESO and the international energy technology company Smart Wires.
A device for redistribution of active power flows along parallel operating power lines is installed in Northeastern Bulgaria, where there is a concentration of installed wind power plants. The technology is a highly efficient solution for flexible management of energy systems in Southeast Europe in the conditions of a growing share of renewable energy sources and integration of the electricity markets in the region. The unique module uses a specially designed container with the latest technology, allowing transmission system operators to control energy flows in their network and thus reduce network congestion.
The FLEXITRANSTORE project aims to contribute to the development of a pan-European transmission network by providing flexibility and high levels of interconnection in the face of a growing share of renewable energy sources. New smart grid technologies, control and storage methods, and new market approaches to provide flexibility in the management of the European energy system have been developed, installed, demonstrated and tested.
FLEXITRANSTORE will promote the increase of cross-border electricity flows in the context of unification of the national markets in Southeast Europe and their integration into the single pan-European electricity market.