Deputy PM Donchev Opens 20th Annual Conference on E-Government

Industry / Bulgaria
Галина Александрова
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Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev Thursday opened the 20th annual conference on electronic government. In his address to the event Donchev said that the most important task now is the introduction of electronic identification to go hand in hand with the new ID documents. 

Donchev said that piecemeal solutions where each entity introduces its own software solutions do not produce results. Instead, the work must be adequate and legally founded. He said also that without political will and without permanent civil pressure, the electronic government is not going to be attained.
According to Donchev, the main registers in this country, which he said number 50-60, should be made to communicate among them electronically. In his words, these main registers are a small part of all registers maintained by the administration, which number more than 17,0000. It is another matter altogether whether so many registers are needed, Donchev said. 

The Deputy Prime Minister compared the introduction of electronic government to the restoration of a building where the most complex aspect is that the work should be carried out without disruption of the lives of the people inside.

Source: BTA



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