Ad hoc committee on hack of tax agency to hold its first meeting

Industry / Bulgaria
Галина Александрова
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The ad hoc committee on the hack attack on the National Revenue Agency (NRA) will hold its first meeting today at 3:00 pm in Hall 3 of the National Assembly. The committee members will adopt internal rules of procedure. They will also hear representatives of the tax agency, the Ministry of the Interior and State Agency for National Security.

The committee was set up on 25 July 2019 by the National Assembly. The draft decision was tabled by GERB Group’s Chair Dr. Daniela Daritkova and a group of MPs. 171 MPs unanimously voted in favour. According to the decision, the committee will have a three-month term of office and will conduct an inquiry into all facts and circumstances surrounding the leak of personal information from the NRA's electronic databases.



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