Construction Starts of Two Natural Gas Compressor Stations

Energy / Bulgaria
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Bulgartransgaz EAD has signed an agreement for development project design, delivery of materials and equipment, development and putting into operation of natural gas compressor stations Rassovo and Nova Provadia with Ferrostaal Oil & Gas GmbH, the Ministry of Energy said Thursday. The signing comes in the wake of a public procurement procedure.

The development of the stations will increase the pressure along the route of the pipe from the Turkish-Bulgarian to the Bulgarian-Serbian border, the so-called Balkan Stream. The project will provide the infrastructure for the implementation of the concept of a Balkan natural gas distribution centre in Bulgaria. The expansion of the country's gas distribution network will increase the security of natural gas supplies from different sources and provide conditions to promote competition on the market.

The contract is worth a total of 350,832,437.59 leva, VAT excluded, the press release said.

Nova Provadia station will be located in the vicinity of Vetrino village near Varna (on the Black Sea). It wil be equipped with four 10 MW turbo-compressor units. The Rassovo facility will be located in Rassovo village in the northeastern region of Montana and will be equipped with three 12 MW turbo-compressor units.

The compressor units for both stations are state-of-the art, produced by Solar Turbines, the press release specified.

Source: BTA



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