National Ombudsman Calls on Energy Regulator to Check Sofia's Heating Utility over Equalized Bills

Energy / Bulgaria
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National Ombudsman Diana Kovacheva has sent a recommendation to Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC) head Ivan Ivanov calling on him to initiate an extraordinary check into Toplofikatsiya Sofia over the annual equalized bills, the Ombudsman's press centre said Tuesday. Her recommendation was prompted by the numerous alerts and complaints received by the National Ombudsman against Sofia's heating utility in relation to the sums it has to return to its customers following the retroactive drop of the heating price
for the August 5, 2019 - March 31, 2020 period, as well as the implementation of the quality indices for the 2019-2020 heating season.
In her letter to Ivanov, Kovacheva says that citizens express bewilderment at the small sums being paid back to them - an issue she raised during an EWRC sitting on June 18.

The National Ombudsman also informs the energy regulator that owners of dwellings in buildings where energy efficiency measures have been taken, have expressed indignation at their higher heating bills.
Kovacheva's letter also stresses that Toplofikatsiya Sofia made available a calculator allowing customers to check what sums will be paid back to them, as late as on August 21, nearly at the end of the deadline for claims to the equalized bills.

Source: BTA



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