Prolongation of the validity of the concluded contracts for access and transport for gas year 2020-2021

Energy / Bulgaria
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Bulgartransgaz EAD notifies all users with concluded Contracts for Access and Transport with  General Terms and Conditions thereto, as well as Contracts for Natural Gas Purchase and Sale for Balancing  and Contracts for the Virtual Trading Point (VTP) Use, which expire on 1 October 2020, that they may renew their validity for Gas Year 2020-2021 by concluding Additional Agreements thereto for extending their validity.

Regarding the amendments to the regulatory framework adopted by the EWRC, the relevant amendments to the Contract for Natural Gas Purchase and Sale for Balancing, published in track mode here, are introduced. 

The Contract for Access and Transport and the General Terms and Conditions thereto as well as the Contract for the Virtual Trading Point (VTP) Use shall apply for Gas Year 2020-2021 without changes.

In order to conclude the Additional Agreements to the contracts you shall submit:

Application for access to the gas transmission network (standard form, in Bulgarian or English) and up-to-date documents proving the legal status of the company, namely:

- Excerpt from the Commercial Register at the place of registration of the company;

- Documents proving that the company has not been declared bankrupt or liquidated and is not in bankruptcy and liquidation proceeding.

All documents shall be submitted in original in the language in which they were issued, accompanied by a translation into Bulgarian or English. The translation should be certified by Apostille under 1961 Hague Convention and endorsed by a sworn (registered) translator,


Letter/Declaration (in Bulgarian or English), according to the standard form enclosed here, signed by a person authorized to represent the company - according to the registration in the Commercial Register or according to a power of attorney (in Bulgarian or English). In case it is signed by an authorized person, the power of attorney should also be submitted.

The Applications, together with the above documents or the declaration, can be sent at any time to The originals should be received at Bulgartransgaz EAD Registry Office no later than 30 September 2020, either in person or by courier to:

Sofia 1336, 66 Pancho Vladigerov Blvd.



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