Lyubomir Spasov: TPP "Bobov Dol" is the plant that is the most advanced in the implementation of green projects

Failure to comply with the rules has been blamed. Maybe the idea is that just someone needs to be stopped. If the Bobov Dol TPP is shut down, one of the worst options that could happen is for Sofia to become a disco. This was said in the program "Face to Face" by the executive director of TPP "Bobov Dol" Lyubomir Spasov. He drew attention to the projects that are being implemented in order to decarbonise production. Spasov was adamant that the plant is the most advanced in implementing green projects.
Whether we comply with the law, environmental and other… There are institutions that constantly check us. There are cases when there are indeed some violations, but these violations then lead to sanctions, but in 90% of cases there are no violations.
"Maybe the idea is different, not that some power in the country should be stopped. It will do a lot of damage to the power system if it is shut down", Spasov said.
In this regard, he explained that "there are four large base plants in the four corners of the country that maintain the security and integrity of the energy system." These are Kozloduy NPP, Varna TPP, Bobov Dol TPP and the plants in the Maritza Iztok complex. When one of these capacities is missing, "you remember that there is no way for a structure that is on 4 legs to suddenly remain stable and strong without one of the legs", said Lyubomir Spasov.
In addition, he specified that together with the supplier company, 1,200 people work at Bobov Dol TPP.
The executive director of the headquarters explained that they had asked for a meeting with the Minister of Finance Asen Vassilev several times, but there was no answer. According to him, TPP "Bobov Dol" is the fastest growing plant and is first in the process of implementing green projects.
"We already have a ready project that is in the process of applying for a building permit for a 100 MW photovoltaic fleet, we also have a ready project for building a new gas connection, which is also in the process of asking for a building permit. We have a project that is in the conceptual phase for the construction of steam and gas turbines on the site of the plant and it is at a very advanced stage at the moment, "said Spasov, adding that the conceptual design is practically ready, and the working is working on certain details. "In addition, we have an idea to store huge amounts of hydrogen in the steam and gas plant, which we can extract from photovoltaics," Spasov added. He was adamant that everything he said was constantly said, agreed upon, the investment intentions passed and were approved.
The executive director of Bobov Dol TPP explained once again that the network will be damaged. "As a power plant that holds basic power and makes primary and secondary frequency regulation of the network in this part of the country, a lot of unpleasant things will happen. About half a year ago, we had a problem with the frequency regulation of the network introduced by Serbia. This means that the network could collapse completely in the country if we do not have generators like ours, which are only generators in coal-fired power plants, nuclear and some of the hydropower plants - large, rotating synchronous generators that can keep the network frequency and to stabilize the network itself. If this is not the case, the network will fall apart, "explained the director of TPP Bobov Dol.
Lyubomir Spasov invited the Prime Minister, as well as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Asen Vassilev to visit the plant and find out about the projects being worked on and "see that our plant is not worse than those that are currently favored."