The regional minister issued an order for the phased completion of the interconnector with Greece

Source: ICGB, archive
The Minister of Regional Development and Public Works Arch. Ivan Shishkov issued an order to introduce phasing in the construction of the remaining part of the intersystem gas connection Greece - Bulgaria. He announced the news himself in an interview with bTV.
The whole country is helping the builder and the first part of the steps for completion has been made, it became clear from the minister's words. "Every day we have conversations with all participants in the construction process and help with the preparation of the documentation," explained arch. Shishkov. He emphasized that it is up to the contractor to make this happen by October 1 this year.
The minister announced that he has asked the new management of the Road Infrastructure Agency for an analysis of the repairs that are being carried out this summer and whether they are being carried out on time.
"The other most important thing is to ensure the winter cleaning, which was literally forgotten by the previous team of the road agency," said the regional minister and announced that the new public procurements for this have already been announced. According to him, the deadline for submitting bids is 14 days and he called on all construction companies to participate actively and take national responsibility in this matter. Architect Shishkov was adamant that with a good dialogue the construction companies will be able to gradually receive their accrued debts.
Regarding the completion of the "Struma" highway, the minister recalled that during his previous participation in the management of the MRRD, he had already inspected the implementation of the "Zheleznitsa" tunnel, and after discovering the presence of landslides there, he ordered a project to be made to strengthen them even then. But during the seven months of management of the former management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, unfortunately, only a conceptual project was made to strengthen them. However, in order to ease the traffic in the area, if it is possible and safe, the traffic will be allowed in one lane, it became clear from the words of the regional minister.
On the occasion of the changes in the management of API and "Bulgarian Waterworks Holding", the minister was adamant that if he had not done it, it would mean that he was satisfied with what was not actually done all these months.