A key RES investor wants to invest BGN 1.2 billion in the construction of a wind park with 74 generators near Vetrino and Valchi dol

The company "Dobrotich Wind" AD is ready to reduce weight of the electricity bills of thousands of residents in two Bulgarian municipalities for 35 years

Energy / Green Transition
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Source: CWP Global

Every household consumer in the municipalities of Vetrino and Valchi dol, Varna region, can receive energy assistance to cover the consumption of 1200 kWh of electricity per year for a period of approximately 35 years. This is written in the investment intention of the company "Dobrotich Wind" JSC, which is part of the group of the international company "CWP Global" (CWP), which implemented one of the largest projects for the production of electricity from renewable energy sources (RES) in Southeast Europe. It wants to invest over BGN 1.2 billion in the construction of a super modern wind park with 74 generators on the territory of the two municipalities.

"We developed an energy assistance program and officially included it in our investment intention, as a clear sign of goodwill and responsibility towards the quality of life of nearly 14 thousand residents in the two municipalities. The commitment we are ready to undertake is long-term – it will start from the first day of operation of the wind farm and last until the last, approximately 35 years. The faster this happens, the better for people," said Bilyana Petrova, executive director of "Dobrotich Wind" JSC. "Furthermore, we have set a possible indexation of electricity prices for household consumers in the future, and in the event of an increase, we are ready to cover up to BGN 500 per year from household electricity bills," she specifies.

Energy assistance for people is only part of the serious social program that the investor is ready to develop in the two municipalities if the project is given the "green light". In addition to direct receipts in the form of taxes to local budgets and compensatory payments for the use of land, "Dobrotich Wind" JSC undertakes to repair the used agricultural roads and rehabilitate the energy infrastructure, as well as cover bills for street lighting in populated areas of these municipalities where there are installed generators, which last winter remained "in the dark" due to deficits in local budgets.

The investor is also ready to develop special educational and scholarship programs. For the period of operation, the local communities will have a budget of nearly 10 million BGN, which the people themselves will be able to allocate to social projects and causes that are important to them. Each resident will be able to make their proposal, which will be considered by a specially formed council with the participation of local authorities, civil organizations and the investor.

"All these activities can lead to direct receipts of a total of over 15 million BGN for the benefit of the people in the two municipalities. They have been developed in line with our philosophy and values ​​of working with integrity and growing together with local communities. We have already proven it in our projects around the world," the investors explain. "We believe that the residents of Vetrino Municipality and Valchi Dol Municipality deserve a more secure and sustainable future, especially in times of serious economic and energy uncertainty." They have the right to a stable income, to development, to peace and bright streets. We will create new jobs, we will also increase the work for dozens of local businesses, we will be the good example that can attract other international investors with sustainable values ​​and clear commitments. We are ready not only to invest here, but also to stay in the coming decades."

The investment intention of "Dobrotich Wind" AD envisages a wind farm of a total of 74 wind generators - 50 in the lands of the villages of Dobrotich, Mihalich, Iskar, Kaloyan, Izvornik and Esenitsa in the Municipality of Valchi Dol and 24 in the lands of the villages of Dobroplodno, Yagnilo, Sredno Selo, Vetrino and Momchilovo in Vetrino Municipality. The area was chosen due to the mix of very good wind potential, low environmental risk and the availability of suitable electricity transmission infrastructure. The project will be implemented with wind generators of the latest generation, using the latest and most advanced technologies. The planned unit power of each turbine will be up to 8 MW, and they are located in a way and at a distance so as not to have a negative impact on the local population, nature and agriculture. Once built, the Dobrotich Wind farm will generate enough electricity to power 440,000 households. The project does not foresee the use of European grant programs, state subsidies or a preferential price for the electricity produced by it.

"We believe that our proposal will meet serious public support, as well as a responsible position and cooperation of the authorities at the local, regional and national level. On the one hand, it is fully in sync with the national strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria for the development of RES projects, which is included in all state, regional and municipal programs, providing for accelerated administrative procedures. Therefore, the correct and responsible attitude to our proposal will be a clear sign for all other potential investors in Bulgaria as well," explains Dobrotich Wind AD. "On the other hand, the project will bring clear and measurable benefits to the people of the region and guarantee them a stable future in turbulent times. A future that they deserve and which depends on the vision and decisions of the responsible authorities," added the investors.



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