The Director of Heating Burgas warns: A law is being prepared that will liquidate the energy industry in Bulgaria!

Energy / Bulgaria
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Source: Heating Burgas

"A law is being prepared that will liquidate Bulgaria's energy industry in a very short time! We have been working like magic for 1 year because of the increasingly unbearable prices of natural gas! It turns out that after the price of natural gas increased tenfold in just 1 year, a new blow is being prepared for gas heating systems in Bulgaria through a law that is supposed to save us from the energy crisis," signaled Eng. Hristin Iliev, executive director of Heating Burgas.

According to the expert, a law is currently being drafted, which in its current form will prove catastrophic for the Bulgarian energy industry. According to Eng. Hristin Iliev, although Europe has excluded gas and coal-fired heating from the plan to deal with high energy prices, the bill being prepared in Bulgaria aims for the exact opposite.

"On the one hand, for months, compensations for the high prices of natural gas have not been provided for heating systems, which almost brought us to a financial collapse. On the other hand, we are working on a law according to which a part of the revenues should be withheld from us, because some official somewhere in his comfortable desk in the capital decided so, probably without realizing that with his decision he will close the Bulgarian energy industry! And does this one know that the price of natural gas set by EWRC, on the basis of which the prices of thermal energy are established, is 2 times lower than the real one?" said engineer Hristin Iliev.

The expert explained that the price of thermal energy is fixed and is determined on the basis of 120 BGN/MWh for natural gas. For the period July-October, the average price of blue fuel is BGN 260/mwh, which is more than 2 times more.

"So we have to pay 2 times more expensive natural gas, the increase of which is not included in the sales price of the produced thermal energy. We have to wonder with which magic wand to cover the difference of BGN 140 per MWh for natural gas. And on top of that, someone decided they should withhold our revenue? The only thing that is possible to happen with the heating systems in Bulgaria, if such a law is adopted, is that they will go bankrupt almost immediately after its entry into force!" said engineer Hristin Iliev.

Eng. Hristin Iliev explained that if part of the companies' revenues, which are already insufficient to cover normal production costs, are taken by the state, then very quickly energy producers will be unable to pay their contractors and suppliers. Eng. Hristin Iliev also gave as an example the investment project for the introduction of new gas capacities, for the implementation of which contracts for delivery and installation have been concluded, the implementation of which will also remain in question. All this will hinder the fulfillment of the licensing obligations of each company for the production and supply of heat and electricity.

"I am well acquainted with the Regulation adopted by the European Commission. According to Europe, the liquidity of natural gas and coal companies must be maintained and for this reason they are excluded from the measures envisaged. We all saw that despite the green utopia that the EU has been convincing us of for years, when we fell into crisis, everyone started to go back to coal, even though they have long been denied. The truth is that we are still not ready to give up either coal or natural gas, so decisions must be made with thought and balance, without going to extremes and liquidating our energy by our own hands without a vision for tomorrow!” said Eng. Hristin Iliev.



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