The last issue of the magazine "Energetics-Electricity Perspectives" for the 2022 ESO jubilee in search of the right solutions for energy in the future

Energy / Analysis / Interview
3E news
The last issue of the magazine

Source: ESO

The latest issue of the magazine "Energetics-Electricity Perspectives" for the year 2022, during which ESO completed 15 years as an independent electricity transmission operator, reviews the events of the past months, which marked the new policies and decisions to guarantee energy security.

The publication reflects the actual commissioning of the intersystem gas connection with Greece, the unification of the markets "within the day" on the Bulgarian-Greek border, with which our country finally integrates into the Single European Electricity Market, the meeting of the Board of ENTSO-E in Sofia , which ESO hosted in October, as well as the vision of the company, advocated by the Executive Director of ESO during the conference of the Institute for Energy Management "The Green Transition - Investments in Technology and Network Services", on the need for joint development of the European electricity transmission network to meet the growing investment applications for the construction of new RES-powers in Bulgaria.

The development of hydrogen technologies and the prospects for the deployment of nuclear energy in our country are the leading highlights in the current issue of the magazine "Energy - Electric Power Perspectives", dedicated to the topic: "Europe in search of the right solutions for energy in the conditions of a green transition".

The publication also presents the most modern methods and tools for detecting cyberattacks against critical infrastructure, especially relevant in the conditions of digital transformation and the transition to "smart" power systems.

The column "Expert Capital of ESO" visits the territorial dispatching offices South and East of ESO in Plovdiv and Varna for a meeting with two energy dispatchers who talk about the professional vocation of ensuring the continuous and safe operation of Bulgaria's electricity transmission system.

At the end, the issue reflects the successful second edition of the company's internship program and presents the specially prepared video on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Electricity System Operator, which tells in pictures about the importance of the independent electricity transmission operator of Bulgaria.



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