Slight decrease in prices on European electricity exchanges for February 17, the decline is most noticeable in Germany

Romania's OPCOM closed at EUR 172.40/MWh and Greece's HENEX was at EUR 167.37/MWh for base energy

Energy / Bulgaria
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The Romanian energy exchange OPCOM closed the Day Ahead segment at a price of EUR 172.40/MWh for base energy. This is indicated by the data of the exchange for February 17, 2023. The price for peak energy is 184.93 EUR/MWh, and off-peak energy is 159.88 EUR/MWh. The highest price of EUR 241.88/MWh will be at 8 PM. The lowest price will be at 3 AM and it will be EUR 125.12/MWh.

On the Greek energy exchange HENEX, the average price for base energy on February 17 will be EUR 167.37/MWh. The total traded volume of electricity was 142.96 GWh. The maximum price will be 216.91 EUR/MWh and it will be at 19:00. The minimum price will be at 13:00 and it will be 133.12 EUR/MWh.

On the Hungarian energy exchange HUPX, the base energy price for February 17 is 172.96 euros/MWh. Peak energy is traded for 185.33 euros/mwh. The highest price of 241.88 euros/mwh will be at 8 p.m. The lowest price will be at 3 a.m. and it will be 127.35 euros/mwh. The traded volumes will be 86,541.8 mwh.

The base price of electricity for February 17 on the Slovak Energy Exchange is EUR 173.67/MWh. The highest price is expected to be at 8 p.m. and it will reach 241.88 euros/mwh. The lowest price will be at 5 a.m. and it will be 127.24 euros/mwh. This will also be the highest price for electricity in this segment of the market for the whole of Europe.

The base price of electricity on the Czech Energy Exchange is EUR 140.47/MWh. The highest price is expected to be at 11 a.m. and it will reach 189.29 euros/mwh. The lowest price will be in 24 hours and it will be 84.29 euros/mwh.

On the Austrian Energy Exchange, the base energy price for February 17 is EUR 148.11/MWh. The peak price will reach EUR 155.15/MWh. The traded volume at base energy is 73,327.3 mwh. The highest price is expected to be at 9 am and it will reach 181.91 euros/mwh. The lowest price will be at 1 hour and it will be 122.07 euros/mwh.

On the German Energy Exchange, the base energy price was 81.15 euros/MWh on February 17. The peak price will be EUR 82.66/MWh. The traded volumes at the base energy are 651,245.8 MWh. The highest price is expected to be at 9 a.m. and it will reach 129.90 euros/mwh. The lowest price will be 24 hours and it will be 22.22 euros/mwh.

On the Italian energy market, Day Ahead segment electricity for February 17 will sell for €165.67/MWh for base energy.



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