Gas Hub Balkan became a member of EUROPEX

Energy / Bulgaria
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"Gas Hub Balkan" EAD officially became a member of the Association of European Energy Exchanges - EUROPEX on April 18, according to a company announcement.

Europex is the association of energy exchanges, market operators and delegated operators in Europe. As providers of energy market infrastructure, the main activities of Europex members include the management of long-term and short-term wholesale markets for electricity, gas and emissions. Members act as organized exchanges, registered reporting mechanisms (RRMs) and insider information platforms (IIPs) under the EU Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT) and operate registers of guarantees of origin for renewable energy.

Among the main priorities of Europex are:

- Promoting and creating conditions for efficient, accessible, liquid, secure and transparent wholesale energy and environmental markets;

- To represent the interests of the members before legislative and regulatory bodies, as well as other interested parties, working for common positions on specific issues and ensuring a unified voice;

- Provides support to members on regional and national policy issues related to European wholesale energy markets.



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