Minister Stoicheva: MIG and MES will work together for an innovative vision for Bulgaria

Industry / Bulgaria
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Source: Ministry of Innovation and Growth

The Ministry of Innovation has developed and will implement an Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization, one of its priority goals is to improve human resource capacity in the field of deep technologies and innovation

The Ministry of Innovation and Growth (MIG) declares its support and desire for cooperation and coordinated actions with the Ministry of Education and Science, because we believe that the Bulgarian economy should be oriented towards creating innovations, which are the basis of a modern approach and entrepreneurial thinking and behavior. We will work together for an innovative vision for Bulgaria, based on new skills and high-tech development. This was stated by the Minister of Innovation and Growth Milena Stoicheva at the official event of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) for the presentation of the final report on the first phase of the project on the skills strategy in Bulgaria. The project is implemented in connection with the country's accession to the OECD.

According to the minister, MIR is an active partner in the development of the overall strategy and the action plan for the development of skills, having supported the first phase of its implementation and will support the second as well.

"With the assistance of the OECD, we aim for a national consensus on the formulation of activities, instruments, responsibilities, deadlines and potential sources of funding, which will unite the efforts of industry and social partners in the future action plan for skills policies," Stoicheva emphasized.

The Minister of Innovation and Growth pointed out that the recommendations in the report are grouped into 4 priority areas - improving the skills of young people, improving the skills of adults, effectively using skills in the labor market and in the workplace and improving the management of the administration system. According to her, the conclusions in the report and their integration will help to develop the economy in Bulgaria.

"The Ministry of Innovation has developed and will implement the Innovation Strategy for Intelligent Specialization (ISIS) 2021-2027, one of its priority goals being precisely related to improving the capacity of human resources in the field of new technologies and innovations," Stoycheva also said. She added that improving the overall environment for the development of skills and high-tech human resources in all priority areas for smart specialization is a priority for MIR.

We remind you that the Innovation Strategy for Intelligent Specialization (ISIS) 2021-2027 was adopted at the end of last year by the Council of Ministers. The strategy is one of the key conditions for providing Bulgaria with access to the resources of the two European programs for Bulgaria under MIR - Program "Competitiveness and Innovation in Enterprises" 2021-2027 (PCIE) with a budget of BGN 3 billion and Program " Scientific research, innovation and digitalization for intelligent transformation" 2021-2027 (PSRIDST) with a budget of just over BGN 2 billion. The vision of ISIS is for Bulgaria to develop as a center for medium- and high-tech innovations in strategic areas with established capacity and market positions. Also, to support and establish the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Bulgaria as sustainable, modern and innovative. Among the main objectives of the Strategy is the improvement of the scientific research system and innovative performance of enterprises.



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