Sanctions are to be imposed on "Devin" EAD for the pollution of the Devinska River

As early as August 4, the experts of the Eco-Ministry established a violation for dead fish and foaming of the Devinska River in the area of a mineral water bottling plant in the city

Climate / Bulgaria
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Experts of the Regional Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (RIEP) - Smolyan and the Regional Laboratory at the Environmental Protection Agency already on August 4 checked a report of dead fish and foaming of the Devinska River in the area of a mineral water bottling plant in the city. A team of representatives of RIEP, RL Smolyan and the municipality of Devin was immediately formed, the regional Eco inspection reported over the weekend. During the bypass of the river, an emergency discharge of waste water into the Devinska River was found. The reason is the replacement of pumps, as a result of which the waste water from the enterprise's activity is not pumped to the sewage network of the city of Devin. The discharged wastewater is from the production activity of the enterprise and of a domestic-fecal nature - from the maintenance of the sanitary and hygienic conditions in the premises.

Measures were immediately taken to stop the unregulated discharge, and for its admission, administrative and penal measures will be imposed against "Devin" EAD, announced by RIEP-Smolyan. However, they have not yet announced what the value of the sanction will be.

Bottling company "Devin" EAD begins internal and external inspections

For its part, the company sent a message to the public and the media. The management and team of "Devin" EAD took immediate action to remedy the accident that occurred on 08/04/2023 (Friday) and it was rectified in a timely manner, the company assures.

Although we are still waiting for the results of the internal and external inspections that have been launched, as a company with care and contribution to the local community, we regret the incident and are in active contact with all interested parties: RIEP - Smolyan, Devin municipality and SLR Hunting and Fishing Society, town Devin.

They will support further stocking of the affected area

We are supporting the riverbed preparation work and the subsequent stocking of the affected section, which is expected to start in the next few days.

"Devin" EAD is a responsible company that strictly complies with all legal requirements and regulations. Internal annual monitoring programs and water management plans are carried out, including cleanliness of the river bed and waters of the Devinska River, as well as the wastewater from the enterprise's activities. Since 2021, the company has voluntarily introduced the strictest requirements of the Alliance for Water Stewardship, "Devin" EAD also announced.



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