The MPs kept the derogation given to "Lukoil Neftohim Burgas". For now

The vote of no confidence was left for the last working day of the parliament

Energy / Bulgaria
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Deputies of the National Assembly did not accept the request to drop the derogation for importing Russian oil by sea within 3 days. The draft law was proposed by the chairman of the committee for energy and deputy from GERB Delyan Dobrev. The report on the proposed texts was presented by Temenuzka Petkova.

94 deputies from GERB-SDS and DPS voted "for" dropping the derogation, and 55 votes "against" came from "Vazrazhdane" and BSP, while PP-DB abstained. Toshko Yordanov from ITN stated at the very beginning that the people's representatives from the parliamentary group would not take part in the vote and kept the promise.

"We will not participate and vote on the topic of who should take the money of the Bulgarian people. Get better and bear the consequences in either case, because in both cases the Bulgarian citizens will be at a loss. Take care of your interests and then you will bear the consequences," said Yordanov.

Iskra Mihailova from "Vazrazhdane" also condemned the discussion of "this point today" as a mistake. She presented the objections of the parliamentary group with the clear request that they will not support the draft law proposed by Delyan Dobrev. In her words, "one of the most scandalous things in this proposal is the three-day deadline" for dropping the derogation, which she described as "impossible and extremely risky." Given the lack of a clear plan for switching to non-Russian oil on the part of Lukoil, Mihailova also outlined the risks - danger of a technological and environmental catastrophe, depreciation of facilities and the impossibility of repair works given our country's relations with Russia, lack of clarity regarding supplies, including the routes, higher price, increase in fuel prices not only in the retail market but also for economic entities and the impact of this whole process on fuel-related goods, logistical problems, social effect, etc.

The Minister of Economy, Bogdan Bogdanov, explained for his part that the statement that the government did not do anything regarding the refinery's transition to processing non-Russian oil is not true. He pointed out that since the beginning of the derogation, there was no clear approach so that the government had a plan on how to switch to production with entirely non-Russian oil. This was also the purpose of the analyzes that we did, in order to know what is the optimal term for this to happen, said Bogdanov.

According to him, the derogation was granted as an opportunity for our country to cope with the dependence on one operator. Now, as he put it, the most important thing is "that the Bulgarian state preserves this strategic asset, so that it continues to work at optimal capacity", as well as compliance with European regulations.

Bogdanov commented on the possibilities for the Lukoil Neftohim Burgas refinery to operate entirely with non-Russian oil in accordance with the requirements of European regulations. According to him, the minimum Russian oil with which the refinery can work is 50 percent. In this regard, he touched on the issue of supply routes, stressing that it is most profitable to ensure supplies from the Black Sea region - Kazakhstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan. In terms of quality, the closest to the Urals grade is Kazakh oil. Bogdanov drew attention to the reports accompanying the previous decision on the waiver and the 10-point plan to switch to non-Russian oil.

In this regard, the Minister of Economy also touched on the plans for the appointment of a special administrator, as provided for in the law in case of non-fulfillment of obligations by the refinery. He reminded that the special commercial manager is appointed on the proposal of the Minister of Economy by the Council of Ministers. At the same time, the special commercial manager as such cannot operate such a key asset by himself, since he cannot be responsible for the need for new quantities of oil supplies, which, in principle, in such a situation should be provided by our country. "We are now working on building capacity to take over and ensure the operation of the refinery," he said. The Minister of Economy drew attention to the fact that taxes are already being paid, and if there are violations, the relevant authorities can be referred.

Bogdanov did not miss the fact that the refinery is designed in such a way that there is a rhythmic supply of six days when they are carried out along the Black Sea route. Leaving the Black Sea region, however, the delivery period is extended. "These were arguments that we heard. This deadline is based on a report sent to you," reminded the minister. According to him, three commitments remain to be fulfilled, and the deadline for them is six months, because certain activities are required, including the provision of a budget, so that the state has the opportunity to react with supplies of crude oil.

Regarding prices, Minister Bogdanov reported that there are risks, outlining the dependence on the capacity with which the refinery operates. The refinery is currently operating at optimum capacity. The minimum at which it can function is 40 percent production capacity, he pointed out, also paying attention to seasonal factors. In conclusion, the economic minister called for no decision to be made "based on emotions". "We have one key asset that we need to keep," he said.

Kiril Petkov from PP also declared against ending the derogation.

"The difference between stopping the refinery on January 1st and March 1st is between 50 and 100 million BGN additional revenue for the Bulgarian state. I personally do not believe that with your proposal - to end this derogation after three days - we will not to have a huge problem with fuel prices in Bulgaria", pointed out Kiril Petkov from PP-DB.

MPs from DPS Hamid Hamid and Yordan Tsonev announced their support for the bill proposed by their colleague Delyan Dobrev.

Hamid Hamid described Minister Bogdanov's speech as a "nice lecture", "nice appeals", but also as "ala-bala". According to him, the battle is to delay the sale of 60% of Lukoil's production on foreign markets. "There is lobbying for Putin, for the Kremlin" and "stuffing of Swiss accounts, which I hear about here and there," he said. According to him, the production from "Lukoil" does not reach Ukraine at all.

At the same time, Hamid Hamid was reminded by Hristo Gadjev that there is a decision of the government of Ukraine not to accept Russian fuels. The sanctions also provide for the export of production from the refinery to cover contractual obligations until June 2024.

"Even the street dogs in Brussels already know that Bulgaria is Lukoil's "Trojan horse", MP Hamid Hamid said after the vote. It is the fault of these two ministers that the derogation period should be extended as long as possible. Therefore, Mr. Petkov, it is your responsibility to ask for the resignation of these two ministers. The DPS explained its support to the government when it was formed, I think then we were categorical and clear that we were giving a chance to a parliamentary majority to make certain changes to the Constitution. From then on, we have declared that we only support Maria Gabriel in this government. Period!" he declared.

Immediately after the vote, the deputies from GERB-SDS and DPS left the plenary hall. As a result, the attempt to vote the vote of no confidence for the failure of the government in the "Security" sector also failed. Ultimately, the deputies will vote on this vote on the last working day of the week.



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