AICB will always follow the direction of development set by the ten thousand members of the association

The association welcomed over 750 guests on its 27th birthday

Industry / Bulgaria , Companies
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27 years ago on this date, 49 companies founded the Association of Industrial Capital in Bulgaria. Today AICB unites more than 10,000 enterprises with more than 500,000 workers and employees and more than 100 branch organizations. We represent over ¾ of the economic activities in Bulgaria, which makes us the most representative business organization. Therefore, we allow ourselves to claim that what is good for AICB is good for our country. With these words, the Chairman of the Board of AICB Vasil Velev welcomed over 750 people to the official reception of the association's 27th birthday.

"We live in complex times, the climate is changing. Not only is our nature changing, but the international and business climates are also undergoing major changes. It is very important not to lose direction and orientation. For us, these are the common priorities and interests of our members. Despite the continued double-digit decline in the industry, I believe we will pass this test. It is important to keep people in the enterprises, even at the expense of profits and investments", added Vasil Velev.

The birthday of AICB was honored by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria Academician Nikolay Denkov, the Minister of Labor and Social Policy Ivanka Shalapatova, the Minister of Energy Rumen Radev, the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Christian Vigenin, the Ombudsman of the Republic of Bulgaria Diana Kovacheva, the Deputy Governor of the BNB Petar Chobanov, heads of agencies, as well as representatives of the legislative power, diplomatic missions, higher education institutions, trade unions and business organizations, etc.

Special congratulatory addresses were received from the President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rumen Radev, the Mayor of Sofia Vasil Terziev, the Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Labor and Social and Demographic Policy of the National Assembly Denitsa Sacheva, the Members of the European and National Parliament Andrey Novakov and Petar Kanev and many others.

The event is organized with the general sponsorship of Monbat and the support of Bulgarian Rose, Lukoil Bulgaria, Arsenal, Association of Bulgarian Airlines, Geotechmin, Dundee Precious Metals, Industrial Holding Bulgaria, Management Business Machines, Progress, Bulgarian Energy Holding, Ferokom, Balar Wine Cellars and Melnik, Bulgarian Holding Company.



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