Kozloduy NPP - New Powers begins the EIA procedure for the construction of the Eighth Unit at Site 2

Georgi Velev
Kozloduy NPP - New Capacities EAD has started the procedure for carrying out an environmental impact assessment for the construction of Unit Eight at the nuclear power plant. "Pursuant to Art. 95, para. 1 of the Environmental Protection Law and Art. 4, para. 1 of the Ordinance on the terms and conditions for carrying out an environmental impact assessment, "Kozloduy NPP - New capacities" EAD announces an investment proposal for "Construction of unit 8 of the Kozloduy NPP". This was announced by the company today.
"On October 25, 2023, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria gave its consent in principle under Art. 45, para. 1 of the Law on the Safe Use of Nuclear Energy for the construction of unit 8 of the Kozloduy NPP.
In addition, Decisions of the National Assembly of 12.01.2023 and 18.12.2023 were adopted, according to which actions must be taken to start the licensing procedure under the Safe Use of Nuclear Energy Act and the procedure for assessing the impact on the environment from the implementation of the investment proposal under EPL (Environmental Protection Law).
The investment proposal is for the design, construction and commissioning of a new nuclear facility - block 8 at the Kozloduy NPP site.
For the construction of a new nuclear power plant (unit 7), a Decision of the Ministry of Education and Culture has entered into force approving the investment proposal. It is expected to be built using the AP 1000 technology of the Westinghouse company.
"The construction of a second identical block - conditionally called the 8th block will lead to a number of favorable effects, both for the strategic development of Bulgarian energy and the country's economy as a whole, and for the fulfillment of the European Union's goals for the transition to low-emission energy. The favorable emission characteristics of the production of electricity by means of nuclear facilities contribute to the achievement of these goals, Kozloduy NPP - New Powers explains.
From there, they add that practice has proven that the construction of the so-called "pairs of blocks" has an indisputable financial and economic effect on the overall efficiency of project implementation. It manifests itself both in the more efficient use of financial and material resources and in the deadlines for building the blocks.
The new nuclear facility - conditionally called the 8th power unit of the Kozloduy NPP will be of the latest generation (Generation III or III+) with an installed electrical capacity of up to 1200 MW and will comply with the Bulgarian regulatory framework in the field of nuclear energy, the requirements on safety of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the requirements of the Western European Nuclear Regulators' Association (WENRA) for new reactors and the European requirements described in the European Utility Requirements for LWR Nuclear Power Plants European Operating Organizations for Light Water Reactor NPPs). The technology uses a casing reactor with light water, under pressure (of the PWR - Pressurised Water Reactor type), it is specified in the investment proposal notification.
It is planned that the new Eighth Unit will meet the requirements for modern nuclear facilities. To have a high availability (over 90%) and a long service life of at least 60 years. It is also important to have the option of operating in "flexible" mode, in which the unit can periodically change the load without degrading the efficiency.
The second identical power unit is planned to be located on/adjacent to the site of the Kozloduy NPP, where there is already Site No. 2 approved by the NRA for the construction of the 7th unit of the Kozloduy NPP.
The investment proposal will be implemented on/adjacent to the Kozloduy NPP site, which is located on the right bank (at the 694th km) of the Danube River. It is located 3.7 km south of the thalweg of the river and the state border with Romania. In a straight line it is about 120 km north, and along the national road network about 200 km from the capital. It is located in the northern part of the first unflooded terrace of the Danube River.
The investment proposal does not fall within the boundaries of protected areas within the meaning of the Law on Protected Areas, as well as within the boundaries of protected areas of the Natura 2000 ecological network.