Vidyo Terziev, executive director of "Electrohold Sales": Through our growth, we want to win the trust of customers throughout the country

The company has opened a new office in Plovdiv, and the opening of a customer center in Varna is to come

Energy / Bulgaria
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The energy company "Electrohold Sales" confidently steps into more and more cities in our country. Against the background of the expected liberalization of the energy market in the coming years, the company is expanding its offices in the country, as well as its portfolio of services. This became clear from an interview with "24 Chasa" by Vidyo Terziev, executive director of "Electrohold Sales".

The company began its expansion in the retail market with the opening of a modern business center in Business Park Sofia. “This has been a very successful step for us in our quest to offer a modernized vision of customer service and a whole new experience for our customers. Our experience and professionalism, as well as the personalized approach we apply, attract customers," Terziev is emphatic. According to him, the center is preferred by those working in the area and living in this part of the city, as well as by many business customers. In two months of operation, it was visited by more than 1,000 customers and more than 4,000 energy services were requested. And this speaks of serious interest due to its convenient location for the residents of the southern districts of Sofia. Among the most requested are the services for re-registration of household customers and those related to providing information on electricity consumption, it is clear from the director's comment.

The expansion of the company continued to the second largest city in our country - Plovdiv. This is a key moment for the Electrohold group and was the first shopping center opened outside the territory of Western Bulgaria, where Electrohold operates.

"Until now, in the other regions of the country, we relied on partner offices, but our plans include the opening of our offices. Very soon we will open our own customer center in Varna as well," Terziev specified. A priority for the company is to maintain its leading position among business customers throughout the country, "for whom we are a preferred supplier with stable positions and extensive experience", the expert's words made clear. He is convinced that the expansion of the sales network is an important part of the company's strategy to be close to customers in every part of Bulgaria.

The future is in electronic communication channels

At Electrohold, they actively upgrade and improve their electronic services in order to keep up with new trends and make it as easy as possible for their customers. "If we are not fully digitized, we cannot be successful in the conditions of fierce competition. We switched to electronic invoices, developed a POS terminal for payments through the corporate website, now 100% of our services can be requested remotely," Terziev recalled.

According to him, customers respond positively to these changes, and this is a sign that the company is moving in the right direction. An example in this regard is the new virtual POS terminal service, through which the company's subscribers can easily and conveniently pay their bills. Anytime and without queuing. Since the service was introduced in September last year, there has already been a 70% increase in its use by customers, the expert explained.

We remind you that part of the Elektrohold group are one of the largest suppliers of electricity for end customers in Bulgaria - Elektrohold Sales and the largest electricity distribution company - ERM West. Elektrohold Trade is the first licensed trader of electricity for business customers in Bulgaria. The company provides sustainable solutions for industrial and corporate clients and manages a leading balancing group on the free market in our country. Through the company, customers can also purchase so-called "green energy" - long-term contracts for the purchase of electricity from renewable energy sources (power purchase agreements PPA) are offered. The advantages of PPA contracts are that they guarantee a fixed price for the customer for a period of 7 to 15 years and allow easier budgeting of electricity costs, explained Terziev.

The company "Electrohold Sales" is known among more than 2 million consumers in Western Bulgaria. The company also has behind it one of the largest financial holdings in the country - Eurohold. Such stability gives the company confidence to step forward boldly, beyond the borders of Western Bulgaria. And the new products and services combine in a wonderful way with the insurance services offered by Euroins, the insurance branch of the Eurohold conglomerate.



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