Preparations for the introduction of the euro, multi-channel access to the emergency number 112, measures for road safety and relief for business are part of the legislative proposals of the service

Industry / Bulgaria
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A total of 14 draft laws have been introduced by the interim government to the National Assembly within the framework of its mandate from the beginning of April until now. Among the texts proposed by the cabinet are key steps to introduce the euro, as well as changes in favor of road safety and relief for business.

In June, the Council of Ministers approved and submitted to the Parliament the Law on the introduction of the euro in the Republic of Bulgaria. The adoption of this law is of great importance for the practical preparation for the accession of our country to the Eurozone, which is also among the main priorities of the caretaker government. It is a major factor for the smooth and trouble-free introduction of the euro. The sooner the law is adopted, the more predictability will be given to citizens, businesses and the administration regarding the technical aspects of the preparation for the euro.

The draft law defines the principle of consumer protection, the principle of information, the principle of efficiency and economy, the principle of transparency and the principle of continuity and automatic conversion of amounts from BGN to EUR. It also regulates the rules for currency conversion and rounding, introduces a period for double marking of the prices of goods and services, as well as double circulation of the two currencies, to ensure a high level of transparency of the process and create the possibility of adaptation of society. At the same time, the procedure for the distribution of the new currency and the exchange of banknotes and coins from levs to euros is regulated.

The adoption of the Law on the introduction of the euro in the Republic of Bulgaria will help the readiness of our country to become a full member of the eurozone, which will give Bulgaria a voice in the formation of all important decisions.

The caretaker government has proposed major changes to the Road Traffic Act, which see the maximum speed limit reduced from 140 to 130 km/h. In the future, it is planned to use the cameras of the TOL administration to monitor the speed. High speed is one of the causes of serious road accidents, and its reduction would contribute to limiting injuries. The draft law also regulates a specific obligation to road owners with a view to improving traffic organization after construction and repair activities. This means that they will be required to promptly remove temporary road signs, as well as replace damaged signs.

Better interaction between institutions and the types of communication channels with which citizens will access the 112 telephone are ensured by the proposed changes to the Law on the National Emergency Call System with a single European number 112. The texts introduce new communications for the transmission of information to the emergency phone such as voice, video, text in real time. The aim is to provide a quality European service to assist citizens in need of assistance and increase the scope of the provided service in accordance with the progress and development of new technologies. This will also ensure equal access for people with disabilities. At the same time, communication barriers between 112 centers, emergency response services and teams at the scene of the incident will be overcome.

The proposed changes to the Commercial Law affect, on the one hand, the creation of conditions for the rapid liquidation of companies. The aim is to ease the terms and conditions for termination of business, especially for small and micro enterprises, which are predominant in our country. Both the conditions for starting a business and those for termination are among the most important conditions for promoting investments in our country. On the other hand, it is envisaged to create conditions for cross-border transformations - mergers and divisions of companies from different EU member states, as well as for moving the activity and headquarters of a company from one member state to another EU member state. This will promote both the development of the EU's internal market and the freedom of establishment, as well as investments in our country, and will also open up new markets for Bulgarian companies in the EU.

In parallel with the submitted bills, the preparation of other bills continues, including the Bill on Insolvency of Individuals. The so-called The "Perpetual Debtor Law" offers a legal framework for the bankruptcy proceedings of natural persons, which includes a repayment plan, liquidation of property, as well as bankruptcy proceedings in the absence of income and property of natural persons.



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