NSI reports a serious decline in the production of solid fuels

Energy / Bulgaria
3E news
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In May 2024, compared to April 2024, in the production of energy products, there was no increase in any of the products. The production of solid fuels decreases - by 36.3%, electric energy - by 19.8%, motor gasoline - by 9.9%, and diesel fuel - by 2.3%, the National Statistical Institute (NSI) reported. The production of natural gas and propane-butane mixtures remains unchanged.

On an annual basis, compared to May 2023, the production of propane-butane mixtures - by 83.8%, diesel fuel - by 19.7%, and electric energy by - 1.8%. It reduces the production of solid fuels - by 58.5%, and motor gasoline - by 2.0%. Natural gas production remains unchanged.

In May 2024, compared to April 2024, the supply of automobile gasoline increased - by 83.7%, diesel fuel - by 26.0%, electric energy - by 1.0%. The supply of solid fuels decreased - by 34.1%, and natural gas - by 0.5%. Deliveries of propane-butane mixtures remain unchanged.

On an annual basis, compared to May 2023, the supply of motor gasoline - by 71.7%, natural gas - by 36.0%, and diesel fuel - by 4.8%. Deliveries of solid fuels fell by 48.1%, propane-butane mixtures - by 16.3%, and electricity - by 1.8%.

In the category of solid fuels NSI includes anthracite, black, brown, lignite coal and solid coal fuels. Producers report refined production. For coal in the production of which inert materials are not released, the refined production is equal to the total yield. Deliveries - this is a performance indicator calculated as: production + import - export + change in stocks.




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