RIOSV make maps of the illegal dumps in the country

Employees of the Ministry of Environment and Water and regional structures cleaned along the sea, in the city and in the mountains

Climate / Bulgaria
3E news
RIOSV make maps of the illegal dumps in the country

"This year, our priority is the limitation of waste pollution and the elimination of unregulated landfills. The Regional Environment and Water Inspections (RIOSV) have already started mapping the illegal dumps in the country." This was announced by the Minister of Environment and Water, Petar Dimitrov, who today dived into the waters of the Varna Bay near Galata Cape in an action to clean the seabed.

Minister Dimitrov also announced that the MoEW is already working on pilot projects in some areas of the country for the liquidation of these landfills. He gave the example of the Montana region, where most landfills have been cleaned and sealed, and added: "An effective measure against re-pollution of the grounds is the installation of cameras to watch for violators."

Eng. Petar Dimitrov participated in the action together with divers from the Institute of Oceanology at the BAS and a diving club from Varna. "We chose the Asparuhovo beach area because it is the third most polluted in Bulgaria and we need to take measures to protect the dunes that are behind the beach. The bay is very characteristic with the remaining old nets in the sea - the so-called 'dead nets' which are a problem for marine life, shipping and divers," said the environment minister. And he recalled that once again the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is the main partner of the bTV campaign "Let's clean up Bulgaria together". "We report greater interest this year, because twice as many materials were requested from all over the country to the Enterprise for the Management of Environmental Protection Activities (PUDOOS) at the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, which supports the initiative," said Petar Dimitrov.

Employees of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, NIMH, RIOSV - Sofia and PUDOOS cleaned the Hunting Park in Sofia. The park area was mostly polluted with household waste. In Varna RIOSV and the Basin Directorate "Black Sea Region" were cleaning the area of ​​the Asparuh beach. In the Pirin National Park, employees of the directorate cleaned the most visited places in the mountain - in the park sections Vihren, Kamenitsa, Sinanitsa, but the largest number of volunteers gathered near the Bezbog hut.

Here are some more of the places where employees of the regional structures of the ministry were: RIOSV - Veliko Tarnovo cleans in the area of ​​the Yovkovtsi dam, RIOSV - Shumen - on the Shumen plateau, RIOSV - Blagoevgrad and Basin Directorate - Blagoevgrad organized an action along the river bed Gabrovska, RIOSV - Pazardzhik cleans up near the Batak Dam, RIOSV - Pleven participates in the initiative around the Totlebenov Val Dam in Kailaka Park, RIOSV - Burgas - in Mineralni Bani Park in the Vetren district, RIOSV - Plovdiv, Basin Directorate - Plovdiv and the Regional Laboratory at the IAEA in the city they were cleaning the bed of the river Maritsa between the bridge of the fair and the bridge of Adata.



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