The accounts of the Metropolitan motor transport company have been frozen Economy

Industry / Bulgaria
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Sofia's mayor, Vasil Terziev, announced that the Metropolitan motor transport has frozen accounts due to accumulated debts. The reason is that the company hired to repair the community of the municipal company in the district. "Druzhba" has filed a lawsuit for unreceived funds, BNR reported.

Terziev's team is working to solve the problem and prevent the stoppage of public transport, informed Deputy Mayor Ivan Vasilev. According to him, the municipal councilors from the opposition are sabotaging the work of the administration:

"With my colleagues from the administration team, we are working to remove the garnishment on the accounts of the Metropolitan motor transport and we are also looking for other mechanisms to provide temporary financial resources to the company, so that it can pay off its most urgent obligations. Colleagues from the municipal groups of the BSP, "There is such people", GERB continue to answer why the companies have been left in debt for years".

The former director of the Metropolitan motor transport Slav Monov has signed documents for the repair of the communication in "Druzhba" at inflated prices, SS-DB-PP emphasized.

The employees of the capital motor transport have received their salaries, Vassilev assured. According to the municipal councilor from "BSP for Bulgaria" Vanya Grigorova, motor transport has been neglected by the Metropolitan Municipality and the state for many years.

"The municipality has money. It's just that Mr. Vassilev doesn't want to give it."



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